Dream Nurture

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Our Projects

With a series of projects, we are redefining how we help indigent and vulnerable women and children.


Making education more accessible with our “Back To School” program.

18.5 million children in Nigeria do not have access
to education and this number is increasing at an alarming rate.

18.5 million children in Nigeria do not have access to education and this number is increasing at an alarming rate.

Over the past seven years, as an organization, we have provided 7,400 children from low income communites access to quality education.In line with SDG goal 4, Our organization donates basic education and welfare items to children from marginalized communities at the beginning of the school year.

Barriers to education for the children include poverty, many of them do not have school materials which hinders them from going back to school. Our consistent outreach to these children has reduced the rate of out of school children.

Skills empowerment

Skill Acquisition Camp 2024

At Dream Nurture Initiative, we believe in empowering the girl child one skill at a time, thereby securing the future. For this reason, we organize annual skill acquisition programs not only for our girls but also for those in our community. Alongside tutoring our eager students in unique skills, we also introduce them to life-changing social cues that benefit them and the community. Teaching our girls the benefits of self-confidence, setting boundaries unashamedly, as well as leadership, communication, and life skills, is an irreplaceable part of our annual skill acquisition camp.

As the saying goes, “a jack of all trades is a master of none,” but oftentimes better than a master of none, our skill acquisition program focuses on teaching one vocational skill during the four-day camp experience. These skills are marketable and allow for creative expression among practitioners. They also emphasize the importance of working with one’s hands, as our most original art pieces come from within oneself. This year’s skill was Tie-and-Dye, the intricate process of creating exotic patterns on various textiles. The girls were introduced to the wonders of science and its role in creating such complex patterns through simple processes. One camper stated she thought the fields of science and arts to be singular with no relation to one another, but the tie and dye process has now proven her otherwise. It was indeed an exciting revelation to the rest of our inquisitive campers as well.

Plans are already underway for next year’s edition of our annual skill acquisition camp. Join us in supporting this initiative for teenage girls. Together, we can provide secure opportunities for girls in marginalized communities.


Making healthcare accessible for women and children from marginalized communities.

As part of our sustainable development goal 3, Dream Nurture Initiative, in collaboration with our partners has donated emergency essential medication and Sanitary pad to vulnerable women and children in Marginalized communities in Lagos. Achieving good health and well being requires ensuring access to primary health care for people in marginalized communities.

  • Clothe Drive


Give your old clothes a second life, while helping those in need.

Recent hike in inflation has made living conditions for
people in marginalized communities even more difficult,
thus affecting their ability to afford basic amenities.

Recent hike in inflation has made living conditions for people in marginalized communities even more difficult, thus affecting their ability to afford basic amenities.

Our organization’s goal is to collect gently used clothes and toys and make them available for the vulnerable at no cost, eliminating clothing insecurity for everyone. We have donated clothing and welfare items like pads, shoes, household materials to over 1,800 people over the years. We look forward to your continued support towards these children and their families.


Making good menstrual hygiene a non-issue for vulnerable women and girls.​

Period poverty is one of the primary reasons girls leave
school on a regular basis.

Period poverty is one of the primary reasons girls leave school on a regular basis.

Period poverty has a great impact on the education, health and emotional well being of women and girls. Our annual pad a girl project aims at sensitizing young girls in low income secondary schools on the importance of good menstrual hygiene and providing 100 girls with reusable sanitary pads.

It is important that women and girls have easy access to menstrual hygiene products to meet their needs. Your donation of N2,000 / $2 can provide a girl with a pack of reusable sanitary kit. Let’s push for safe periods, education and girl’s rights.